Saturday, July 30, 2011

It has been a part of me for the last 10 years -- I couldn't help but cry

Finally, I was able to find time to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2.

I'm weird.
I felt nervous, uneasy, excited, happy and sad.

Can you believe it? After 10 years, it all end here.
I actually grew up with them. I was and will be a Harry Potter fan <3

Throughout the film, I was really observing closely, I want my eyes to see every detail of it.
It's the last, next year, the year after, the years after, there will be no Harry Potter on cinemas.

I can't believe it.
It has been a part of my life. As the story unfold yearly, I was too maturing together with the characters and the story itself.

At some points, I found myself laughing, smiling and crying.

And when the end finally came, I can't help myself but cry. I was crying because of joy but at the same time, I cried knowing that the movie that became a part of me for the past 10 years had ended.
Ended for good.


Carrie Clearwater said...

I feel you mamee...

mabie said...

aww bebe. we're such potterheads :))